Saturday, February 2, 2008

A shot of cheer!

"Viola Shot"
5"x7" acrylic on canvas

The pansies are here for an encore! And I like today's painting so much- they stand out from the background really well, and there's all kinds of interesting stuff going on down in the bottom of the shot glass, so that was wonderful too.

Oh! And I am just ridiculously pleased with myself over another picture I'm working on. she's mostly done, and you can see the process pics (first time I've ever really done process pictures) over at my scatterbrain/studio blog Moment by Moment ( I know, I know, not a thrillingly creative domain name- but all the good ones I thought of were either too long or taken *pout*). It's going wonderfully- a piece inspired by Vermeer, and by the movie Girl with a Pearl Earring, which was just beautifully shot.

Post #33


  1. This is an amazing picture- so good you can almost feel the breeze playing through your hair!

  2. Wow! Couldn't differentiate it from an original snap. Wonderful work! One painting a day... hmmm, wonderful idea!!

  3. yes, doesn't Connie do some amazing work? and I'm really enjoying the whole painting a day thing!

  4. yes, doesn't Connie do some amazing work? and I'm really enjoying the whole painting a day thing!
