Tuesday, January 20, 2009


5x7 acrylic on hardboard panel
email me at kelliemarianhill@yahoo.com to purchase
Stayed home in the snow today, and will probably be waiting for it to get above freezing tomorrow before I get up the courage to go to work (its not so much the snow and ice.... its the fact that, while Im sure I can avoid all those inanimate objects out there.... Im not so sure about my ability to avoid the other drivers).... and following my usual infallible logic (phe-he-he) Im presenting you with another bit of summertime.
Another thing.... Ive noticed other bloggers doing giveaways periodically, and I believe Im going to join in on that fad. So, painting #400 will be free to some lucky soul, shipping and handling included. Email me at kelliemarianhill@yahoo.com to enter.... and give me an idea for the subject matter, or tell me which previous painting you particularly enjoyed. That way the lucky winner, selected at random on night #399, gets exactly what they want.... and I get some feedback (yay!) and some email addresses for my monthly newsletter (bwa-ha-ha-ha!).

1 comment:

  1. I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
